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How to get 10 Dates in just 1 Night

10 Dates is a lot you say. Yes, it is and yet it is very easy to do and this exercise will help you get in the swing of things: or rather getting dates!

You want to be in a loving relationship you say, Not go on a million or even 10 dates. Well it all starts with a “meeting” and then a date. You have to have a “good” date to get a second date which gets you on the road to a relationship or potentially the loving relationship that you want.

“Do Not invite them to be your date for your sister’s wedding next weekend. Although I know someone who did and they ended up happily married.”

In order to get 10 dates or even one date, you must commit to the intention: I want to go on a date with someone interesting, attractive, funny __________(you fill in blank). Your preference dictates the who and the who dictates the when and where. You will need to find an event or a place where there will be available prospects. For example, if you like cute surfers, then you should go to a Surfrider Event. If you like sexy skiers then join the Miami Ski Club (yes we have one and it is huge) and go on to their happy hours and their ski trips. If you like fit healthy women, then take a yoga class or sign up for a yoga retreat, even if you are not good at whatever the event is.

There are only 5 rules:

  1. You must go with the intent to have fun.

  2. You must identify potential dates and introduce yourself.

  3. You can not spend the whole evening chatting with one person, no matter how incredible they are.

  4. You must ask for their number and suggest getting together to do something along the lines of the event. (Do Not invite them to be your date for your sister’s wedding next weekend. Although I know someone who did and they ended up happily married.)

  5. You must be patient and stick it out

“This sounds like a lot of work”, you say. “How do I know it is even possible?” Because I have done this myself and I have trained women to do it by being their wing woman. If you have a wing woman or you are being the wing woman/man for someone do not fall into the trap of talking to each other. You must stay focused on the mission: to engage new available people.

There are 4 things that keep a person from achieving their dating goals:

  1. FEAR (of rejection, failure, embarrassment, lack of confidence)

  2. LACK of commitment or DRIVE


  4. Saying NO to OPPORTUNITY (You must seize the moment, say yes to the invite or take the initiative and make the date/invite. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!)

When I was younger I was in the restaurant/bar/film business so I met hundreds of sexy available people weekly so it was very easy to pick and choose. However, after my divorce I was totally removed from that lifestyle and those “meeting” opportunities. So what did I do to get back in the groove (as a single mom, no less).?

I had just gotten divorced and my girlfriend Christy invited me to the Miami Beach Food & Wine Festival. She had a friend who worked for the distributor, Southern Wine, who had 2 FREE tickets (they cost a lot) to go to the show on a Friday afternoon (which was only for people in the trade). Normally, I would say no as it is a work day and I usually pick up my daughter who was 7. Instead, I hired a sitter, dolled myself up and off I went! Since it was for the trade only, I figured there would be a lot of male business owners and CEO’s. I was right! Aside from my friend, Christy (not even her friend who had given us the tickets) I did not know a soul there. They handed me an empty wine glass at the door and I was off to the races so to speak. I went to all the booths that had men pouring the wine or men in front of the booth waiting to be served. I made small talk, flirted, asked a lot of questions and handed out a lot of cards (make sure to bring plenty of cards and always act like it is your last card). I only had a few hours so I made it my mission to cover the whole event in one hour and then double back to the men that I found to be attractive. I met a lot of interesting people and I made many potential dates for the future as well as 2 dates for that night.

You can do it! You got this!

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